This week I worked with my data. For me, personally, I think this was a highly productive week in that regard. I learned how to make a data matrix, and I downloaded JMP and learned how to use it to run the stats that we needed to look at, and I learned a few new things about excel. Ali and I worked with our data on Friday with Dr. Entrekin helping and guiding. The three of us had a really good discussion about Ali's hydrology and the variation within the wetland. There is pooling near the middle school and in the degraded site, but there is not pooling near the main channel and pre-impact site 1. Why is there a difference? We decided that some of it could be due to foot and vehicle traffic, and the lack of trees.
I think I have finished working with my data and making graphs, but I'm not 100% confident that I did everything correctly. I got a lot done this week. I have four graphs, one of which is a stacked graph. I had never made a stacked graph before and I had problems understanding how it worked in regards to setting up my matrix to get it to display what I wanted, but it is finished and looks pretty!
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