Friday, April 11, 2014

Tooling for citizen science

While you guys were at UCA slogging through your data, I was in Springfield Mass attending a conference. I learned some things that I wanted to share with you all. I know that some of  you are familiar with some of these resources, but probably not all of them. They can be used in multiple different ways and are a good way to keep your foot in ecology if you move out of the field when you graduate. Hope you find this helpful. ~Sally

*Applications for Iphone and Android smartphones*
*Ebird*‑id and document birds found in the field
*iNaturalist*‑enter notes and images that are shared with others and
automatically puts gps point
*BAMONA* (Butterflies and Moths of North America)

*Natures Notebook*
*itree*‑assessing and managing community forests

*Big data collected and transmitted in real time*. Students can use
data for labs. Some colleges have written proposals to fund the
of a course centered around the Serengeti dataset.

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