Saturday, April 12, 2014

Week of 04/07

Nobody went out in the field this week, and everybody has finished collecting their samples (or they should be...). We focused on our final report first draft and finishing up any statistics and graphs that did not get finished or perfected last week.

I helped Alyson run some of her stats in JMP and make some graphs because she was sick last week when I spent a lot of time working on mine in the lab with Dr. Entrekin and Ali. Our group worked on our report draft using google docs and it was fantastic. We can comment for each other and when we do work we don't do something that somebody else has already done because we can see the updated version on Google docs. There were some controversies over a few parts of our draft but it all worked out. I know that both Alyson and I have our Trimble points on an Arc map. two of my points are missing, and one of them is way off north where I definitely did not go to sample. At first I thought it was accurate, but I would have had to have walked through the water to get to the location that is recorded. I'm not sure why it is so inaccurate because it has tree information that I recorded in it. We will still need to go back in and add Ali's sample points and correct mine. I also have a duplicate point.

Alyson and I worked in the GIS lab to make locator maps and maps showing our points so that we would be able to put our own work into the report and not have to use a map that somebody else made.

I think our first draft of our report is farily good. There are still things that I want to add for the discussion, and I think our discussion at this point is a little weak. We also need a paragraph or something to conclude the entire document. At this point it kind of just stops.

I volunteered this morning for Girls of Power in STEM (GPS) from 7:30 to about 9:45. I helped with registration of the teams, team leaders, and students. It was exciting and I think I would have enjoyed fully participating for the entire time. Unfortunately I have other things I had to do today so I was unable to stay longer than just for registration. I got a T-shirt and a goody bag out of it though! I think the GPS program is a really good idea and I hope the students get a lot out of it for the remaining time they have left.

Alyson and I worked on the beginnings of our presentation, which we are also doing through Google because it worked so well last time. Ali had a prior commitment in NLR this morning and couldn't join us. We will be working on the presentation and polishing our report for the final version throughout the week.

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