Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Students presentations of proposals from 02/05/14

I didn't really have anything specific for one group, so I have decided to write my collection points here for you all to consider.  Overall, I thought it was a productive exercise that helped you all to work out what you plan to do.

Things you did well
Use peer review literature to support both your hypotheses and methods
Clearly have put some thought into what would be most important in terms of the overarching goals of the wetland project.
Details of how many replicate samples to take where and when was helpful to develop as a group.
Nice job using maps-maps, diagrams, and ghost data are helpful in clear communication.
Good job getting us set up with a system for texting. I'm not sure how to use it, but good that Kell initiated and Ali implemented. -Thanks

Things to work on
Make sure the WOB goal is a goal stated in your proposal. Tie your group objectives and hypotheses back to the overarching goals. [start broad and funnel]

Don't ignore your title. Interesting and descriptive titles are extremely important.

Make sure you have dark text on light background or vice versa. Fill out the slides with text and images. Avoid having a lot of empty space.

Do not forget to clearly address Broader Impacts and Intellectual Merit.

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