Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Getting Our Feet Wet

Alyson Stepina
Location: WOB Collection Sites
Time spent: 1:30-5:20
Team members: Practicum Class and Dr. Entrekin

Today we went out to the four sites for the second time. This time we had an idea of the sites and what we were doing so we were able to explore more. The first time we went out we were not able to spend much time at the control site due to a lack of time so this gave us another time as a group to do that. We set up a camera at each of the four sites as well as learned to use the Trimble units. I was especially excited to actually be able to get in the water and explore. Kyle and I spent time at each of the sites walking around and just deciding which areas we thought would be best to collect our samples from. I find it very calming to just walk around in the water and appreciate the natural wonder that is a wetland. Now I am excited to collect and identify all of the different macroinvertebrates! 

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