Thursday, May 1, 2014

Entrekin final post for Spring 2014

You all did a nice job this semester. Everyone clearly made an effort in this class and it made it a lot more fun! Although, I wish some of you would have posted more blogs :)

Best of luck to all of  you in the future. Please consider using this final report when you are applying to jobs, add this experience to  your resume, and let me know if you need a recommendation.

Have a great summer and keep me updated!


Here's my take on use of technology: Please post your comments!!!
 Dropbox was a success, but google drive might have been better for students working together
 Group texting helped, but we were not using it correctly so some of us incurred expense and lots of   texts to group that were not necessary created exasperation. 
 Facebook and twitter never took hold at all.
 No media were contacted...probably too much effort to seek those folks out.
 Blog was good for me, but probably only half the class really used it. Consider getting rid of blog and going back to formal field journals next time. 


  1. Google drive was much better for working on documents at the same time, but frustrating because it does not function completely the same as word or ppt. Graphs and images were skewed and sometimes comments did not carry over. I throughly enjoyed the access to documents via dropbox.
    maybe texting people personal/group texts and forego groupme in the future.
    social media was lacking completely, maybe a more solid foundation needs to be there before we try that again.
    blog would have been better if we had consistency. I needed to have a reminder it was here. If we can somehow figure out a way to be reminded to do this, i really enjoy the accessibility of it. Formal field journals I feel are too, well, formal.

  2. I enjoyed the attempt at incorporating tech into the course. Admittedly, I found it hard to keep up with doing blog posts, but that was only a case of "out of site, out of mind." Maybe taking a few minutes in-class Wednesdays to do them would have been more effective. GroupMe was good for me, but I know it had a lot of problems with others. Dropbox was great, though the data limit causes problems for people that use it a lot (I have 3GB and almost reached my maximum at one point, but deleting some useless stuff solved that problem). I forgot completely about the social media and media outreach, but I really enjoyed the Maumelle Middle School and Vilonia Middle School outreach. Field journals would be cool too, especially if photo-journalism could be incorporated.
